Without a lengthy explanation about our rationale, we have decided to get a new camera. This had been something that we'd debated for some time, but with all big things in our family, it takes a catalyst to spur us into action. A few weeks ago we took Julia to visit her OTHER great-great grandmother for the first time. We took a few blurry photos and that was it...Charles and I decided we were going to make our big purchase that day.
We are so excited about this camera. Instead of torturing Julia with incessant photos, this camera is so simple and takes such pure and crisp photographs. After a little research and some help from a very nice fellow customer who had done tons more behind the scenes work, we decided on the Canon Rebel SLR (highly recommended if you are on the hunt for a good camera). So until I get a real tutorial on this, I am snapping away in an attempt to get accomodated with our camera. Here is a review of our last 2 weeks:
(I must preface this with the fact that we have been a REALLY sick family in the last few weeks. The outtakes remind me that it wasn't all bad and we had some glimmers of goodness in the midst of nausea and fevers.)
This is Julia's 2nd visit to Mrs. Robinos in Wilmington, DE - generations of my family have come here for dinner. This was Julia's first experience with Pastina. Yes, Pastina is capitalized. It is a fixture in our family and must be revered for its role in nourishing each member of my family for years.
Then we came home to be with the Petit's for Clara's baptism.
I love this photo that Charles captured of the family.
Then we got sick.
There is nothing like a little girl who has just discovered how to clap to conjure up a smile.
Yep, we're going to be okay.
This reflects the record number of baths that were taken in the past 2 weeks to keep Julia as clean as possible. For some reason I had it in my head that the bath was base - the germs couldn't get to her if she was here. I'm not sure if that argument would hold up, but hey, it's all really about peace of mind.
And then we were feeling a little bit better and I thought we would take some pictures for a mini nursery tour. Her room is the most peaceful place in our entire home. Since her birth, her room has truly taken on a unique style. When I play her CD filled with Rosie Thomas, Ben Harper, and James Taylor to put her to sleep it literally brings tears to my eyes and reminds me of our first weeks at home. Anyway, yes, I love the feeling I get when I step into her room. So Julia had other plans. She was insistent on playing with her bucket. And even wiggled her way in (with some help). I will give you another glimpse another time. For now, the camera was focused on Julia's bucket adventure. And then we lost some daylight and some cooperation.
and as of yesterday, everyone is feeling better. Most importantly, Julia is fever free and eating solids again!
Based on the great shots we were able to get, you wouldn't know that every other moment was spent under the covers or at the pediatrician. That's how good this camera is!
We are back in action!