She says "sister " better than "brother", but her vibrant personality would probably be better tempered with a little brother. We're completely on the fence about who this baby will be and are beyond excited to find out tomorrow. When I was pregnant with Julia, I was convinced that I was having a girl, so when the ultrasound technician confirmed it, I secretly felt like I already knew. This time around, I'm not so sure. We will keep you posted...
And speaking of her vibrant personality - the fact that she is wearing 2 different shoes is not a creative way of reflecting our gender debate. Since she has really taken a keen interest in taking her shoes off at all times, she lost her precious blue shoe at the hair salon. After a 24 hour period, we finally figured it out, but in the meantime, she was pretty excited about wearing 2 different shoes. Yes, she will be one of those kids in preschool!